Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Changes for the Better

So here's the deal: I have been so busy lately that I cannot even sit down for 10 seconds to write.  I hate it when people make excuses about why they haven't been blogging; don't you hate it?

But seriously.  I have been busy helping with parties for my sister's wedding. Which is in six weeks. When I have to wear a dress the color of my skin.  Standing next to at least four, six-foot-tall, blonde, supermodel types.  Tan supermodels.

And I've also been busy because I'm in charge of planning my 10-year class reunion.  Oh, I didn't mention that?  Yes, this summer is my class reunion.  You know. The one where everyone shows up to see who is rich or overweight.  And I have to go. Because I'm planning it. Because 10 years ago I thought it would be cool to plan.  Before I realized why people attend reunions.

No, I'm not really that cynical.  Actually, I am very extra super excited for both of these events.  But they are motivating me to get my rear in motion.

Except, of course, I'm too busy to move rear.  Because I'm planning all these events.  That I want to look good at.

Come to find out, it takes time to get in real shape.  I needed to find a way to fake it.  Therefore, I decided the best way to make the number on the scale go down, for me, was to quit eating so much sugar.

There, I typed it.  Now that you all know about it, I can no longer cheat.  Very much.

And since I decided to cut back my sugar intake, I also decided to quit white flour altogether.  (Which reminds me, I was making a cupcake recipe – they weren't for me, don't worry – from Martha Stewart's Web site, and she spelled cake flour, "flower."  Oh, it just cracked me up. I mean, she thinks she's perfect, but she's getting her flowers mixed up.  Sounds like something Amelia Bedelia would do: Plant cake flour in the garden.  Hehe.)

I don't eat very much white flour anyway.  Whole grains are tasty.

I remember back in the day, five years ago, when I was living in northeastern Kansas, they came out with whole grain pasta.  It tasted like absolute sandpaper.  (Or maybe it just seemed that way because that entire year leaves a sandpaper taste in my mouth, but that's a different post.)

Whole grain pasta has improved so much that I can barely tell the difference between it and the real thing!  Whole grains metabolize so much differently than processed grains; you should all switch to whole grain pasta immediately.

Anyway, here's the good news: I lost two whole pounds last week, and that's really all I did differently.  It's the sugar.  I eat. A lot. Of sugar.  This no sugar thing stinks, but it's awesome. And just so you know, I WILL be having wedding cake at my sister's wedding.  An entire, frosting-covered piece.

In other news, I am probably going to be changing my blog to three sections soon: Healthy Eating, Healthy Living, and Healthy Little Ones.  It's going to be so much fun. I can hardly wait.


  1. Hey, if you're feeling fat at the reunion (and might I add you're a toothpick. Shut-up, you are. Deal with it.) you can come stand by me. I'll be 6 months pregnant. In July. With swollen ankles. I, too, was hoping to look all cute and thin, too, but at least I'll have an excuse to be fat, right? I'll be growing a baby. This is what I keep telling myself.

  2. You go, girl! Thanks for the tip on the whole wheat pasta. I had the same experience, last time I tried it, the taste was horrid. I'll give it another go now. :)
