Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Random Thoughts

– Kellogg's attempt at Fiber1 bars are not cool.
– Sans Sucre Mousse Mix is pretty darn yummy.  I had mocha cappuccino, but they have all these delicious flavors that sound even yummier, like chocolate cheesecake.  I like Jell-o pudding packs, but these are better!  (Sans sucre means without sugar, for those of you who don't know Latin. Or Spanish. Or whatever it is.)
– WW just came out with these ice cream bars that look and taste like Snickers.  They are the most delicious thing I have ever tasted.  I could eat the entire box.  I need a padlock for my freezer.
– My calves are seriously killing me after my "Biggest Loser" workout more than 24 hours ago.  I only worked for 30 minutes.  I mean, I regularly go to the Y for hour-long torture classes.  You would think I would be ready for Jillian Michaels.  Haha, nobody is ready for Jillian Michaels.
– This week I am failing at feeding my children.  Violet will NOT eat any baby food veggie.  She is seven months old, and at most she has choked down five consecutive bites of baby food.  She looks at me like I have put rocks in her mouth, and I give up way too easily.  Ruby won't eat dinner.  EVER.  Last night I made lo mein, and she ate two bites.
–I'm making dinner for my priests tomorrow night.  I believe I have an excellent recipe for stuffed shells.  The problem is, if I make it I might have to eat.  It is too good.  I will post photos and recipes tomorrow of my cooking adventures.  Maybe I'll secretly attempt to healthen up the recipe.  Do you think they'll notice?


  1. As a general rule, I don't healthen up recipes when I have company. I tell them in advance that they will need to allocate a big chunk of their daily caloric intake to the meal.

  2. Right because it needs to taste extra good for them! But I also consider that I am going to be eating it too. It is such a toss-up!
